
Monday 19 January 2015

East Meets West Eggs

Weekend breakfast.  Zomg.  I love it.  Breakfast is one meal I will never get sick of.  Now - to be honest I love every meal of the day - but I particularly love breaking my fast.  There are so many ways to make it enjoyable, and most of them are simple and easy, which goes well with my weekend morning brain fog.  Having something yum starts the weekend off perfectly.  Everything flows from there.  I used to think that cooking breakfast had to be a big deal, but I've learnt that you can make a lot of simple and healthy breakfast dishes with ease.  I've also learned that basic things like scrambled eggs, while a treat done the old fashioned way, can be spun lots of different ways pretty simply in order to keep things interesting and reduce "ugh...this again" style food fatigue.  Below is a simple and tasty East meets West one-pot scrambled eggs and bacon dish.  It is on the table in no time with minimal fuss. The recipe is so easy.  What more could you ask?


  • 5 slices shortcut bacon, all fat removed, diced
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 spring onions, finely sliced
  • 6 cherry tomatoes, quatered
  • 1 tsp milk
  • 1 tbs soy sauce
  • 2 slices buttered toast
Serves 2


  1. Cook bacon in the lowest amount of oil that your frypan will allow. 

  2. Meanwhile, whisk eggs, spring onions, tomatoes, milk and soy sauce.
  3. Once bacon is cooked, add egg mix to the pan, stir occasionally until cooked and toast the bread.
  4. Butter toast, top toast with egg mixture and enjoy shaking up breakfast eggs a little.

Our Take Aways

Scrambled eggs need never be boring.  A basic scrambled eggs is a beautiful thing, but this is a fun way to keep things fresh on a Sunday morning.  We will have this again.

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